Saturday, October 5, 2019

A Study of Human Recourse Management Strategy in organization ( UAE Assignment

A Study of Human Recourse Management Strategy in organization ( UAE Organizations only ) - Assignment Example of an organization consists of several activities, such as recruitment, selection, training, performance appraisal, leave policies and compensation distribution. The human resource management department of ADNOC always tries to develop effective and fruitful human resource management development programs for the management and employees in order to bring efficiency and improvement in each and every human resource management practices. According to the human resource management officials of ADNOC, training and development programs for the employees can be considered as an effective measure of an organization to foster the business growth rate of the organization. Decision making process can be considered as one of the important and effective aspect of the human resource management practices of an organization. The effectiveness of workplace environment, employee satisfaction and significant output of employee performance seriously depends upon the effectiveness of the human resource strategy development and implementation process. ADNOC has become successful for the effectiveness of human resource management practices. The management of the organization has developed and implemented centralize3d decision making process in the human resource management department in order to take entire control over each and every human resource management practice starting from recruitment, selection, training and development process to the performance evaluation and salary or compensation distribution process. This specific HRM decision making process has individual advantages as well as disadvantages. First of all, the management of the organization has re stricted the interferences of the external agencies in the internal human resource management aspects of an organization. On the other hand, it may affect the employee motivation and employee satisfaction aspect. According to the centralization structure, the management of ADNOC does not include important stakeholders in the

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