Saturday, October 19, 2019

Movie review--photography Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

--photography - Movie Review Example Fashion is something that defines a generation or a culture. That is why, during different time in history of humanity, there have been a variant in fashions trend. It is this fact that influenced Bill’s career and fascinates him. While on the street, Bill never minds being hit by car. This is depicted in the film where at some point he is in between traffic, which endangers him. He realizes this and admits that it is never easy to capture fashion in New York City. Again, Bill says he is never interested in celebrities free dresses neither is he a paparazzi. In the film, it is clear that the females have a rich orientation of fashion in their dress code than male. This is so because in Bill’s photo gallery, he has more females’ pictures than males’ (Bill, 46-51). In conclusion, Bill act of photographing and reporting to public influences the fashion trend of the day. Whenever Bill shared a new fashion, it could be noted afterwards that people could adopt the new fashion. Undoubtedly, bill had passion of his career since in several occasions he turned down monetary offers from

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